Avocado oil properties:

Food rich in Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids like the avocado oil "Avogratto" are highly recognized as the secret to have a healthy heart, brilliant brain and eagle eyes.

The avocado oil "Avogratto" consist mainly of linoleic and linolenic polyunsaturated fatty acids, thanks to them the medicinal properties of the avocado oil "Avogratto" help to prevent cardiovascular events, lowering harmful LDL cholesterol levels and at the same time increasing HDL ("good") cholesterol

The harmful LDL cholesterol gives about 20 essential nutrients like, calcium. iron, magnesium, copper, A, C, D, E, K, AND B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, B6, folic acid) including fiber, proteins and carbohydrates. It is high in potassium and low in sodium, contains betasistosterol that prevents the body to absorb harmful LDL cholesterol.

Another property of the avocado oil "Avogratto" is that it can be heated up to 260ºC, it resists more time without burning, keeping the same properties of the fresh fruit. It is great for the culinary art because is very convenient for frying for its high smoke point this allows to use it several times without causing damage compared with other oils available in the market.

The avocado oil "Avogratto" covers more than the 10% of the recommended daily requirements. The avocado presents a good relation between unsaturated/saturated fatty acids and vitamin E, optimizing the functions of the first ones. This analysis qualifies the avocado oil "Avogratto" as an excellent source of vitamins, because it contains them in quantity, quality and harmony, maximizing the absorption by the body.